Printables: Bible Study and Prayer Schedule

Hello Everyone!

Thank you for the interest in having a copy of the Bible Study and Prayer Guide for personal sized planner.

I intended to e-mail the files to everyone who listed in, but I never expected to receive almost 200 comments from various groups, that it will take a long time before I type each address.

I am providing this post so you can download the printable pages directly.

If I find the time,  I will explain further how I use this system and share the inspirations where I got it from.  It is a compilation of personal and researched preferences in doing personal devotions with the Lord.  You can follow it and apply your personal touch.  I, myself, doesn't strictly follow the "numbering".  I even merge the steps from time to time.  Also,  I never get to write every prayer and conversation with God, there are times that I am totally directly praying in my head and just jot keywords.  Anyway, I will share more of this on another post.

So here are the printable sheets!  Give me feedback about how you used it, and improvements are always welcome.  God bless!

(I will update this, to accommodate other planner sizes)

Right click your mouse over the image, and click "Save Image As".


Bible Study & Prayer Guide
Prayer Schedule Guide

Background Printable